Flying out of or into Boston? 安排市内和周边的航空旅行相对简单——市区范围内只有一个机场, 毕竟,如果你不知道会发生什么,那么在一个有一大群乘客的繁忙机场导航可能会很无聊.

Luckily, 我们买球推荐软件app排名了解整个波士顿旅行的细节,所以我们起草了这份方便的指南,让您在波士顿地区的航班尽可能轻松:

The sun rises over an empty gate at Boston Logan International Airport, a passenger plane visible outside the floor-to-ceiling windows

Logan International Airport (KBOS)

Address: Boston, MA 02128

When most folks talk about flying into or out of Boston, they are more than likely referring to Boston Logan. 作为东北地区最繁忙的机场(不包括纽约地区)和该地区主要的国际航空枢纽, KBOS提供直达北美和南美目的地的服务, Asia, Europe, and the Caribbean. 它是捷蓝航空的运营基地,但也为大多数主要的国内和许多国际航空公司提供服务, from Air Canada to Virgin Atlantic and many in-between.

在布局方面,由于其轮辐设计,波士顿洛根相对容易导航. Its four terminals—A, B, C, 和e -都可以通过综合大楼中心的中央停车场进入, 所有的检票口和安检口都在步行距离之内,方便出行.


As the Boston area’s most popular and frequented airport, 它提供了最多样化的食物选择,这是理所当然的. 有几十个地方可以吃点东西或喝点饮料,满足各种各样的口味, budgets, 从唐恩都乐(Dunkin’Donuts,新英格兰最受欢迎的餐厅)到Legal’s Test Kitchen这样的牛排和鸡尾酒餐厅.

Here are some of the top flyer-favorite places to eat in Boston logan:

  • Berkshire Farms Market -为回家的朋友寻找最后一分钟“波士顿独有”的好东西? 这里有来自马萨诸塞州西部和波士顿当地小吃的各种本地产品, like the breakfast pastries from South End Buttery.
  • Lucca -这家位于北端和后湾的著名同名意大利餐厅的卫星位置提供舒适的小酒馆氛围和招牌菜,如野猪通心粉和意大利面配肉酱面.
  • Kelly’s Roast Beef -如果你飞到波士顿,想要预览一下这个城市最受欢迎的菜肴, this is your stop. 这家当地连锁店专营北岸风味烤牛肉三明治, lobster rolls, and other comforting seafood plates.


Aside from nonstop international flights and some good food, 波士顿洛根机场为旅客提供了一系列舒适的设施,使他们的机场体验不那么紧张,包括C航站楼的内部发廊和多个儿童游乐区, nursing rooms, and pet relief centers throughout the post-security facilities.


波士顿洛根国际机场提供了许多基本的无障碍服务,让所有旅客都能充分利用他们的机场体验. 所有航站楼都设有无障碍卫生间和家庭卫生间,欢迎服务性动物进入. And while every terminal has two floors, 坡道和电梯很容易定位,并提供盲文标志.

For more accessibility information, 比如每个航站楼的路边和售票处之间的距离, check out the Massachusetts Port Authority’s official website for the airport


Like we mentioned before, 所有航站楼都在步行即可到达波士顿洛根中心的大型停车场. 经济舱停车场和长期停车场都位于离E航站楼最近的地方, and all terminals offer designated motorcoach drop-off/pick-up zones near the baggage claim exits.

波士顿洛根机场还为候机旅客提供免费手机服务, located five minutes away from most terminals. Just have your bus driver 沿着酒店道和服务路的指示牌走,应该很容易找到. 请记住,停车场里没有特许经营权或洗手间设施,所以如果你怀疑司机会等很长时间,你可能想要找一辆车上有洗手间的巴士.

An excited family preps to board an airplane

Worcester Regional Airport (KORH)

Address: 375 Airport Dr, Worcester, MA 01602

Perhaps less-known than its inner-city counterpart, 伍斯特地区机场是马萨诸塞州中部的交通枢纽,位于波士顿以西一小时车程的地方, offering domestic flight options through American Airlines, Delta, and JetBlue.

Since it is a smaller airport, 你的团队可能会更成功地抓住一个更便宜的航班,特别是如果你正在寻找一个快速的直达东北或简单的转机到纽约肯尼迪机场. 虽然机场是一个较小的设施(因此每天的航班选择范围更有限), 与波士顿洛根相比,更少的人群使办理登机手续和排队安检变得轻而易举.


伍斯特地区机场有两家便利店(一家在安检前), one after) operated by Mirage Express. There, flyers can pick up made-to-order sandwiches, pizza, hotdogs, non-alcoholic beverages, and other sundries like toiletries and magazines.


Beyond commercial flights, 该机场还提供最近的航空货运服务之一, ground handling, and private plane facilities to Boston—an added perk for Boston businesses that want to skip the hustle and bustle of Boston Logan’s air traffic.

Within the terminal, 您的团队可以在机场的四个登机口附近享受免费WiFi和舒适的座位等设施.


外面的人行道和售票处之间的距离是65英尺, and all entrances to the complex include ramps. Luggage carts are available, 以及无障碍洗手间和整个建筑的盲文标志.


Considering this airport is a small one, the parking situation is uncomplicated compared to larger air hubs. There is no cell phone lot on the grounds, 但是在你的航班预定着陆之前,你的机场班车司机应该不会有问题在航站楼附近的停车场找到充足的停车位.


Prep for Your Boston Flight Today

Ready for take-off? 即使你还有一些细节需要确定,也可以给买球推荐软件app排名打个电话 617-314-7577 如果你和10名或更多的乘客一起旅行,想要一个无压力的机场接送服务.

Our 24/7 team is always ready to help you find the perfect minibus or charter bus 无论你是想用私人接送服务给你的贵宾留下深刻印象,还是在紧急情况下需要接送滞留的飞机乘客. We offer custom bus rentals for groups of all sizes and make-ups, so we’d be happy to offer your flyers a free and personalized quote tailored to their ground transportation needs!